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Aegis' Gas Detection Hire Storage Cabinet is suitable for shutdowns & short-term projects keeping all gas detectors, and calibration docks stored together.

Gas Detection Hire - Shut Downs & Short Term Projects

Aegis Sales & Service Gas Detection Hire/Rental options mean you can hire as much or as little equipment as you need. INTRODUCING our new Gas Detection Hire Storage Cabinet suitable for shutdowns and short-term projects keeping all gas detectors, and calibration/bump docking stations stored in one secure location. 

Our new gas detection hire portable storage cabinets have been custom-built for use by our clients to bump-test and calibrate most units within the shortest timeframe. 

Available models: GasAlert MicroClip XL/X3, Clip 4 and GasAlert Quattro from BW Technologies by Honeywell.

Gases detected: combustible gases (LEL), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), and oxygen (O2)

Hire Duration: 1 week+

Suitable applications: oil & gas shutdowns, short or long-term projects, 

Gas: We can help you determine the amount of gas required, 34L, 58L, 116L or 750L based on the number of detectors on hire and bump test and calibration intervals. The calibration gas cylinders fit nicely into the base of the storage cabinet with an easy connection to the calibration docks.


  • Calibration Modules to suit GasAlert MicroClip XL and X3, Clip 4, and GasAlert Quattro
  • Demand Flow Regulator
  • Tubing and filters for calibration docks
  • Power and data cables


  • Portable Gas Detectors for hire
  • Calibration gas
  • Return freight to the site
  • Charging bays