HEAD OFFICE 07 38651139  CHINCHILLA 1800 234 477

Temporary Static Lines

Horizontal Temporary Static Line Systems are the ideal solution for common access issues in Height and Roof Safety applications. A temporary static line can be used to provide fall protection for users when working at heights in areas where it is beneficial to move along one straight edge.

Temporary static lines can also be known as temporary lifelines.

It is important that any temporary static line is installed by a trained and competent person and that anyone using the system understands how to do so safely.

We also offer height safety inspectionsonsite by arrangement, or in our workshop according to manufacturers' requirements and Australian Standard AS1891.4. 

Spanset Horizontal

Horizontal Safety Line for Height Safety

Safety Line
Honeywell Horizontal

Temporary Static Line from Miller by Honeywell Safety

Static Line


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