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BW RigRat Gas Area Monitor by Honeywell

Honeywell BW RigRatBW RigRat transportable multi-gas Area Monitor

Protect your workers with the new BW RigRat, a user-friendly gas area monitor.

The Honeywell BW™ RigRat is so easy to use that workers can operate it with confidence, trusting it to alert them to gas threats in their proximity - indoors and out, in temperatures from -40 to +60°C.

Up to six gas sensors. More than 15 sensors for toxic gases, O2, LEL, PID for VOC gases, infrared sensors for highly flammable gases, and verified 4R sensors for RAE products. 

Optional integrated noise sensor and a meteorological sensor for tracking toxic plumes. 

Up to 8 weeks of runtime on a single charge. Longer runtime than any area monitor in its class. Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery with a charging time of less than 18 hours.

Up to six slots for interchangeable gas sensors. Choice of electrochemical, PID, infrared, and catalytic bead sensors (measuring percent LEL and percent by volume).

Integrated Noise sensor and Metrological data sensors.

Enhanced configurations with programmable input and output.

Approval for explosive atmosphere. Certified for ATEX/IECEx Zone 0 and CSA C1D1.

Flexible applications. Zone declassification, turnarounds, confined space, routine maintenance, fence line, and more. Available with pump for remote sampling.

One-button operation. Grab and go. No expertise is required.

Simple setup with a smartphone. Easy mobile app for alarm set points, calibration records, and more.

Added protection. Alerts workers to nearby gas leaks, whereas personal detectors cover only the breathing zone.


BW RigRat Sensor Range

H₂S / CO / O₂ / LEL / SO₂ / NH₃ / NO₂ / NO / HCN / CL₂ / VOC's / CO2



Features and Benefits

Wireless Perimeter by HoneywellWireless Safety Perimeter - position several Honeywell BWTM RigRat monitors to form a wireless safety perimeter 


Honeywell Remote Monitoring BW RigRatRemote Monitoring - Use Honeywell's remote monitoring software to see gas readings, location, and other data from any device with an internet connection - for fast, informed decisions. Add an optional noise sensor or meteorological sensor.


Honeywell BW Touchpoint & RigRatHoneywell TouchpointTM Plus Compatible - Use in conjunction with the Honeywell Touchpoint Plus controller for visibility on Honeywell BWTM RigRat monitors and workers' personal detectors.


FeaturesOther Honeywell BWTM Rigrat Features - Line power for extended runtime in the field / I/O ports providing additional input capabilities and local executive activation / Inert mode that prevents alarm in normal ambient air / Large, easy-to-read display / Rugged, weatherproof design, with optional protective cage



BW RigRat Specifications & Technical Information

{module RigRat by Honeywell BW - Specifications}




Introducing the Honeywell BW™ RigRat Transportable Multi-Gas Area Monitor