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761 Automated Pressure Calibrators

761 Automated Pressure Calibrator by AdditelThe Additel 761 automated pressure calibrator offers the flexibility to calibrate using low/differential, gauge, gauge/absolute and barometric pressure.

With a built-in high performance electronic pump and precision pressure controller, Additel's ADT761 series portable automated pressure calibrators provide a turn-key solution for calibration of gauges, transmitters, and switches both in the field and in the laboratory. 

In a portable package, this calibrator can automatically generate pressures to 600 psi (40 bar) or 615 psi.a(41 bar.a) with 0.005% FS pressure control stability and 0.02% FS accuracy. To improve the calibrator accuracy, two pressure modules with differing ranges are built-in and integrated with the internal pump and controller.

With optional external pressure modules (160 series), the 761 can measure pressures up to 10,000 psi (700 bar) with 0.025%FS accuracy. In addition to the pressure generation, control, and measurement capabilities, the 761 also features HART communication capability, supplies 24V loop power, and reads the current or voltage produced by the pressure transducers. The 761 is a state of the art automated pressure calibrator which brings automated pressure calibration to the field.

Available Models of the 761 series of Pressure Calibrators are:

761-LLP/D  /  761-L/M/A   /  761-LA/MA/HA  

Low Diffirential Pressure
The 761-LLP is specially designed for low pressure calibration, and pressures can be set to as low as 0.01 Pa (0.00004 inH2O) with a control stability better than 0.05 Pa (0.0002inH2O).
Gauge Pressure 


Gauge/Absolute Pressure 

Standard Features of the 761 Series Pressure Calibrators


  • Fully automated pressure calibrator with built-in pressure generator / controller to as high as 15 psi  (1 bar) or as low as 0.01 Pa (0.00004 inH2O)
  • 0.02%FS / 0.05%FS accuracy
  • Dual pressure modules
  • Built-in filter and liquid trap with venting system prevents contamination of the calibrator
  • Portable 7.4kg
  • Fully automated pressure calibrator with built-in pressure generator / controller to as high as 600 psi (40 bar)
  • 0.02%FS accuracy
  • Dual pressure modules
  • Built-in filter and liquid trap with venting system prevents contamination of the calibrator
  • Portable 7.4kg 
  • Fully automated pressure calibrator with built-in pressure generator / controller to as high as 600 psi (40 bar) or 615 psi.a (41 bar.a)
  • 0.02%FS accuracy
  • Dual pressure modules
  • Built-in filter and liquid trap with venting system prevents contamination of the calibrator
  • Portable (16.3 lb)



DOWNLOAD PDF HERE  for the the ADT761 Selection Guide 

Selection Guide

ADT761 Selection Guide for Automated Pressure Calibrator from Additel