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Touchpoint Pro Controller

Touchpoint Pro Controllers by Honeywell Analytics

Gas Detection Controller

Honeywell’s Touchpoint Pro controllers makes gas control system design, installation, configuration and operation simple. The Touchpoint Pro is Intuitive and flexible, offering optimum compliance, safety and productivity for sites.

Touchpoint Pro uses a ‘building block’ approach, providing unrivalled flexibility. The building block approach employed by Touchpoint Pro delivers real value by being able to adapt to each unique system requirement. Ease of use and intuitive configuration ensures that installation, set-up and ongoing maintenance costs are reduced, providing a ‘no compromise’ solution designed to reduce the cost of on-site safety.

  • Webserver ensures 24/7 system status visibility for constant safety
  • Flexible system architecture to meet specific site needs
  • Easily accessible system status that can be seen at a glance
  • Up to 64 channels of detection and 128 output channels
  • Digital and analogue inputs available
  • Mulitple mounting possibilities
  • Touchscreen user interface

Touchpoint Pro Gas Detection Controllers by Honeywell Analytics

24/7 visibility of system status

The central controller of the Touchpoint Pro has a Webserver interface, which can be accessed when it is connected to a network, allowing users to remotely view status and event history, acknowledge alarms, reset or inhibit channels. This feature offers the possibility of system monitoring and data analysis from a remote location using multiple devices including tablets, smart phones and remote computers.

Easy Installation and maintenance

The Touchpoint Plus has been made of high-impact polymer plastic, making it a versatile and durable unit. It is dust-proof, water-proof and has been tested to withstand the toughest environments in which our customers operate - indoors and out. Installation is made easy with the ability to be directly wall mounted, or for an easier 1-man installation of the Touchpoint Plus there is an optional mounting plate. Behind the hinged front cover there is plenty of space for wiring and a unique tiered terminal arrangement for easy access. Further reducing installation time and costs the cable entries have been pre-drilled and sealed ready to use.

Touchpoint Plus' full color traffic light style status indicators provide clarity from a distance allowing operators to see system status at-a-glance and make time critical decisions easily. 

Wide selection of inputs/outputs with intuiitive user interface

The Touchpoint Pro Input/Output plug-in modules can be combined for up to a maximum of 16 input modules (64 channels) and 32 output modules (128 channels). The modules can be located in any Touchpoint Pro enclosure with power distribution via the communication/power Rail. The Touchpoint Pro will also accept analogue, digital and relay modules making it one of the most flexible controllers available. 

At the heart of the Touchpoint Pro is the central controller, which includes the user interface. The user interface features a full colour LCD touch screen, and provides engineers with an intuitive solution to system set-up and deployment. Easily accessible icons, supported by drop-down menus ensure that even the most complex of system configurations can be commissioned with efficiency.