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AutoRAE 2 for RAE System Gas Monitor Bump Test & Calibrations

AutoRAE 2 Calibration Dock by Honeywell

It is easy to simplify bump testing and calibration of your RAE Systems gas monitors with the AutoRAE 2 by RAE Systems Honeywell. Versatile and modular, it can be deployed as a single, stand-alone unit to calibrate one instrument at a time, or networked to support up to 10 units at once and calibrate for up to five distinct gases.

One-touch bump testing and single-button operation for calibration make it easy to use.

Upgradeable firmware protects your investment and ensures that it’s always up-to-date, while the standard SD card for storage ensures your data is always at your fingertips. 

Instruments supported: ToxiRAE Pro, ToxiRAE Pro LEL, ToxiRAE Pro PID, ToxiRAE Pro CO2; QRAE 3; MulitRAE Lite (pumped version only), MulitRAE, MultiRAE Pro,MultiRAE Benzene, MiniRAE Lite, MiniRAE 3000, UltraRAE 3000 and ppbRAE

    contact us   for more information about the AutoRAE 2 Bump Test & Calibration Dock


  • Easy, one-touch bump testing, calibration, charging, and records management
  • Supports a wide variety of gases, including exotics
  • Optimized for field use--does not require a computer to operate
  • Can be used on a bench top or mounted on the wall
  • Deployable as a standalone cradle or a controller-based system with up to 10 cradles
  • Networking capability
  • Data storage on a standard SD card

Disclaimer: The AutoRAE 2 does not include gas detectors. Image for display / informative purposes only