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BW Clip4 Disposable Portable Gas Detector


BW Clip4 by Honeywell BW Multi Gas Detection


The BW Clip4 is the latest in wearable 4-gas detection. Just clip it on and get the job done. It is the latest in hassle-free gas detection that you can count on. This Honeywell BW Clip4 is a wearable, easy-to-use multi-gas detection that’s always on

When you’ve got your hands full in the field, you need no hassle gas detection you can count on: the Honeywell BW™ Clip4 four-gas detector. No charging, no battery replacement, no hassle. Simpler, low cost of ownership guaranteed by the Honeywell BW commitment to quality.

When you clip on the Clip4 you know – it’s on.

Always On: 2-Year Continuous Runtime.

BUY NOW   from the Gas Detector Shop by Aegis Sales & Service

Once the BW Clip4 has been activated, you can rest assured that the detector is always on.

Lower your maintenance costs with two years of continuous runtime without charging and no battery or sensor replacements. Simply turn your new detector on and then after two years replace it for a new one.


  • 2 year continuous runtime. It's always on
  • Simple one-button operation
  • Low cost of ownership
  • H2S, CO, LEL, O2
  • No hassle. No charging. No sensor/battery replacements
  • IntelliDoX compatible

    contact us   for pricing and availability on Honeywell's BW Clip4.


BW Clip4 Specifications

11.9 x 6.8 x 3.2cm
-20°c to +50°c
5% - 95% RH [non-condensing]
- visual, vibrating, audible [95dB]
- Low, High, STEL, TWA, OL [over limit]
Self Test Activated detectors automatically perform internal diagnostic test every 24 hours on sensors, battery and circuitry
Typical Battery Life* Two years continous operation
Event Logging 70 most recent events
User Options
Adjust STEL period (5-15 minutes in 1 minute intervals)
Calibration span levels
Calibration interval
Bump test interval
Select combustible gases measurement: 0 - 100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) or Methane gas 0 - 5.0% v/v
Calibration due date (1 to 365 days, or se to sero for off)
Individual sensor enable /disable
Latching alarms
Stealth Mode
Ingress Protection  IP68
Certificates & Approvals
Class 1, Div 1, Gr A, B, C, D
Class 1, Zone 0, Group IIC
Atex:  CE 0539 II 1G
           Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
CE: European Conformity
Warranty Full two-year warranty including sensors and battery

BW Clip4 sensor specifications

 Gases Standard Measuring Range Resolution
 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0 - 100 ppm 1 / 0.1 ppm
 Carbon Monoxide (CO)  0 - 1,000 ppm 1 ppm
 Oxygen (O2 0 - 25% vol 0.1% vol
 Combustible Gases (LEL)*  0 - 100% LEL 1% LEL

* Caution – LED IR sensor cannot see certain combustible gases including hydrogen and acetylene. The application should be reviewed to ensure the BW Clip4 can provide adequate protection. For more information, please contact Aegis Sales & Service 

BW Clip4 Accessories

IntelliDox Calibration Dock for the BW Clip4 by Honeywell BW

IntelliDoX MicroDock II Base Station with Calibration Docking Module

The IntelliDoX system combines smart docking modules and Fleet Manager II software to provide automated instrument management for BW Clip Series, BW Clip4, GasAlertMicroClip Series and ConneX1 gas detectors - helping you drive productivity, reliability and efficiency.


BW Clip4 by Honeywell

The Honeywell BW Clip4 app duplicates the experience of operating a BW Clip4 handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial, which simulates navigation through the BW Clip4 user interface via the same buttons and display as an actual instrument. By default, the app shows normal readings for configured sensors.

Download the BW Clip4 Phone App

Scan or click on the QR Code to download the Android phone app for the Honeywell BW Clip4



Download the BW Clip4 Phone App

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BW Clip4 Always On 4-Gas Detector