Install Supplier Product information for any of the listed Gas Detectors by scanning the QR code with your phone or selecting the QR Code to follow link to download the app via your PC for phone installation.
BW Clip4 by Honeywell
The Honeywell BW Clip4 app duplicates the experience of operating a BW Clip4 handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial, which simulates navigation through the BW Clip4 user interface via the same buttons and display as an actual instrument. By default, the app shows normal readings for configured sensors. |
Android |
iOS |
MicroRAE by Honeywell
The Honeywell MicroRAE app duplicates the experience of operating a MicroRAE handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial, which simulates navigation through the MicroRAE user interface via the same buttons and display as an actual instrument. By default, the app shows normal readings for configured sensors. |
Android |
iOS |
AreaRAE by Honeywell
The Honeywell AreaRAE Pro app duplicates the experience of operating a AreaRAE Pro handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial, which simulates navigation through the AreaRAE Pro user interface via the same buttons and display as an actual instrument. By default, the app shows normal readings for configured sensors. |
Android |
iOS |
ToxiRAE by Honeywell
ToxiRAE Pro is a personal wireless monitor for toxic gases and oxygen deficiency/enrichment. The ToxiRAE Pro can detect a broad range of gases—from carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen to ammonia, chlorine, and phosphine. The ToxiRAE Pro’s intelligent interchangeable sensors store calibration data, so if you need to monitor one gas one day and another gas the next, swapping the sensors in your ToxiRAE Pro is all it takes. |
Android |