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Sayfa Roof Safety Systems

Sayfa has a variety of Roof Safety systems suitable for all applications.

Travel 8 Sayfa's Travel 8 Permanent Static Line is a proprietary fall arrest system that is suitable for multiple users.

Raptor Sayfa's rigid rail system for smooth, uninterrupted operation for multiple users.

Anchor Points Sayfa's Anchor Points Systems are fall arrest rated, include advanced energy absorbing properties, and are made of stainless steel construction.

Guardrails Sayfa's guardrails (handrails) provide the highest level of safety for maintenance personnel when working at heights and other fall-risk areas.

Walkways Sayfa's walkways offer a quick and simple on-site installation with fully adjustable fittings and componentry in a modular kit form. 

Ladders & Steps The neat and user-friendly design of Sayfa's modular ladder systems, step ladders, bridges, stairs, and platforms means that they are easy to install and use with a lightweight robust aluminum construction, easily adaptable to suit standard componentry.