HEAD OFFICE 07 38651139  CHINCHILLA 1800 234 477

Customer Support

Aegis Sales & Service's customer service does not stop once you have bought your product/s.

We believe it is an on going process and offer a range of support options for all of your safety and maintenance needs. 

Internal workshop

At Aegis Sales & Service we have fully equipped workshops for portable and fixed gas detection, instrumentation and fabrication. 

Portable Gas Detection

With 2 internal service technicians working full time, we offer a 48hr turnaround on all standard portable gas detection calibrations. If the device is needed for urgent calibration we provide an urgency service which incurs and urgency fee. When it comes to repairs we will not proceed without your approval hence no surprises when you collect your detector/s. 

Fixed Gas Detection

We offer design and specialist advice for fixed gas detection systems with installation and service if needed after that. Internally we also have the facilities to repair/service/calibrate your refrigeration monitors. 


We offer a range of instrumentation from pressure gauge calibrators, temperature control, instrumentation and process controls. We can provide specialist advice on design and monitoring of instrumentation.


Our metal fabrication workshop onsite fabricates walkways, ladders, platforms, bakery & medical structures. We also offer design advice to provide you with the best possible option.

Height Safety

Aegis Sales & Service can offer specialist advice on height safety systems and design systems to suit your safety needs. We also conduct equipment inspect, bring in your Height Safety equipment for its 6 monthly inspections.


By arrangement Aegis Sales & Service can send our qualified technicians to site to carry out the following: installation, inspection, service, maintenance, calibration, safety system design.

Warranty Registration

Register your equipment warranty using our convenient online warranty regstration form(s)