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Davit Arm & Bases


Davit arm systems are commonly used to raise, lower, and suspend personnel performing confined space entry or rescues in applications such as vaults, manholes, and pump stations. 

A davit arm system can be configured for portable or permanent configurations. By adding a manual or mechanical winch to the davit arm system, personnel can be lowered into the confined space or extracted.  



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Davit Arms

Beaver Technology Services Pro-2G Davit Arm

PRO-2G Davit
The BTS PRO-2G davit arm can be used with a
Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL) to provide fall
protection. Can also be used as an
abseil (rope access) diversion anchor.
Height 2.10m and an offset reach of 1.20m.
Manufactured/Tested to AS/NZS5532-2013

Beaver Technology Services PRO-3G Davit Arm

PRO-3G Davit
The BTS PRO-3G davit arm has a rated
secondary anchor point on vertical mast
for connection by the winch operator
or stand-by person.
Manufactured/Tested to AS/NZS1891.4,
AS/NZS5532-2013 and CE EN795

Beaver Technology Services Pro-4 Davit Arm

PRO-4 Davit
The BTS PRO-4 davit arm is a collapsible davit
that can be used where a standard height and
range davit is unsuitable.
Height up to 2.8m and an offset reach of 2.0m.
Manufactured/Tested to AS/NZS5532-2013

Beaver Technology Services Pro-5 Jumbo Davit Arm

PRO-5 Jumbo Davit
The BTECH® Jumbo Davit arm is designed to fit a
3” Spigot base and is manufactured with high
quality aluminium.
Height up to 1.827m and an offset reach of 0.608m.
Manufactured/Tested to AS/NZS5532-2013

Davit Bases

The BTS PRO-Series Permanent davit bases have been designed for permanent installations at locations where repeated or frequent use is required. Permanent bases are available in a variety of designs, finishes, and material to meet site-specific requirements.

The Beaver Technology Services PRO-2 Series of Portable Bases are versatile and have been designed for rugged and demanding applications using external weight sources to anchor the davit down. All PRO-2 Portable Davit Bases feature the "BTS-Klick" pin-less technology adjustment eliminating the possibility of lost or damaged locking pins.

The PRO-3 Series portable bases allow for easy set-up and use in multiple locations with no need for permanent installations. All PRO-3 portable Davis Bases feature the "BTS-Klick" pin-less technology adjustment eliminating the possibility of lost or damaged locking pins.


Beaver Technology Services Pro-5 Jumbo Davit Arm

Permanent Davit Bases
Permanent bases are available in a variety
of designs, finishes, and material to
meet site-specific requirements.

Beaver Technology Services Pro-2 & 3 Series Hitch Mount Base

PRO-2 & 3 Hitch Mount Base
The PRO-2 Hitch mount davit base allows
the user to use the weight and stability
of their vehicle to attach their davit to.
Weight 28kg

Beaver Technology Services Pro-2 & 3 Series Hitch Mount Base

PRO-2 & 3  Plus Hitch Mount Base
Independently adjustable support legs. 
Tow hitch counterweight system.
Weight 24kg

Beaver Technology Services Pro-3 Portable Davit Base

PRO-3 Portable Bases
Easy set-up and use in multiple locations

Beaver Technology Services PRO 2 & 3 Portable Davit Mount Bases

I-Beam & Shoring Mount Davit Bases
Easy set-up and use in multiple locations