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SPM Flex Chemcassette

SPM Flex Tape Gas Detector by Honeywell @ Aegis Sales & Service

The Honeywell SPM Flex Chemcassette Tape-Based gas detector for improving safety and productivity with the most flexible, user-friendly tape-based gas detector for low-level toxins.

The SPM Flex stands up to harsh conditions. Whether working in the sun and rain, around blasts of steam, or other challenging environmental conditions? Rugged and reliable it goes where you do, standing up to changes in temperature and humidity without compromising accuracy. It also works well in cleanrooms, thanks to its Teflon coating that doesn’t attract dust. And if it’s ever exposed to toxic gas or caustic liquid, just hose it down or use a decontamination wipe.


  • Flip screen
  • Duty cycle to reduce Chemcassette® usage
  • K-factor multiplier
  • Additional gas formulas

    contact us   for more information about the Chemcassette from Honeywell



Visible at a distance

With a clear crisp display and a color-coded LED bar on top of the Flex, you can see the alarm status, gas concentration, and any other data easily from a distance. A definite advantage for when you are not right next to your SPM Flex is that you will always know the health of your unit and the safety of your area.

Remote viewing through the web

Visibility also extends to other rooms and buildings, thanks to the unit’s web capabilities. All you need to do is plug an Ethernet cable into the SPM Flex, and use the easy-to-read web interface to see the status of the unit - no matter where you are.

Emergency Response

The Flex is the best tool for the job when responding quickly to an emergency. With fast startup, easy operation in hazmat gear, and rugged design, this tape-based gas detector is ready when you are.

Life Safety

The SPM Flex, capable of working as both a fixed and a portable unit, is an important addition to your toxic gas monitoring system. Use it to investigate suspected leaks, or, if you have a monitoring point that’s out of service, use the SPM Flex to replace it — with the option to plug it in or use the long-lasting battery.

Tool Maintenance

Suitable for when your crews need to perform maintenance on a process tool, they can take the SPM Flex with them to ensure safety while they work. With full data logging and an industry-leading gas selection, you’ll always have the assurance that your staff are safe every day, all day.

Easy to choose the target gas

Need to monitor a certain gas? Simply turn on the SPM Flex, snap in the proper Chemcassette® tape, and use the intuitive LCD menu to select the gas from the list. If there is a need to monitor for a gas in a different family? Just swap out the Chemcassette tape and choose the new gas. No ChemKeys™ required.


SPM Flex Documents for Downloading    



DOWNLOAD PDF  Specification Sheet 

DOWNLOAD PDF  SPM Flex gases detected

DOWNLOAD PDF  Quick Start Guide