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Walksafe Rooftop Walkway System by Latchways

Latchways MSA Walksafe roof safey walkway LatchwaysLatchways WalkSafe rooftop walkways provide a level non-slip surface that can serve as an ideal rooftop demarcation route thus protecting users against hazards when working at heights. The WalkSafe walkway system distributes the load evenly on to the roof reducing the wear and tear on the roof itself. WalkSafe offers a lightweight, practical solution which can be easily installed to replace existing wooden duckboards, scaffolding boards or snow guards.

Walksafe's flexibility means it is suitable for: Levelled walkway up to 15°, Stepped walkway, Valley gutter walkway, Half-valley gutter walkway and Traversing walkways.


Features and benefits of the Walksafe are:

  • Plastic walkway that has been manufactured from PCVs for a lightweight solution
  • Compatibility with major roof types
  • Corrosion & water resistant
  • Lifespan in excess of 25 years (BBA Certified)
  • Minimal components
  • Complimenting systems - desgined to work seamlessly alongside Latchways Constant Force Post and Versirail systems


  • rooftop maintenance
  • plant inspection
  • air quality monitoring
  • rooflight cleaning
  • rooftop cleaning

  contact us   for more information about the range of Latchways Roof Safety Systems



Latchways MSA Walksafe height safety walkway Latchways