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Environmental Commitment


Aegis Sales & ServiceWith the ever growing environmental concerns of the community, Aegis Sales & Service has stepped up to do its part in staying green. We have a number of systems in place to reduce unnecessary waste and increase recycling.

Through out the office we are largely digitally based, recycling all paper goods, cardboard and printer cartridges. Installing power saving lighting through out the work spaces and also utilising e-waste drop off centres for any computer/electrical goods are all part of our environmental responsibility plans. In the warehouse we recycle our scrap metal, aluminium, gas bottles and batteries reducing harmful waste in the environment. While in the field we are environmentally conscious about the vehicles we drive, to reduce carbon emissions, and look to leave no trace when leaving the site.

We also support local school recycling relief efforts by providing resources to help students reach recycling school goals. Aegis Sales & Service upholds an environmentally responsible mindset, making a conscious move to become a greener workplace.