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12 Channel Controller

Austech 12 Channel Controller for Gas Detection
The 12 Channel System Controller from Austech is a compact unit designed with relay outputs on board for alarm events and programmed response.

The 12 Channel Controller accepts inputs from any two or three wire sensor/transmitter combination that gives a 4-20mA output. Typical sensor/transmitter combinations include Ampcontrol detectors for combustible gas, oxygen, toxic gas, flame as well as temperature and humidity transmitters.


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  • Accommodates up to 12 gas detectors
  • Microprocessor controlled
  • Accepts inputs from combustible and toxic gas sensors, flame sensors or any 4-20mA device
  • Two-line alpha-numeric display
  • User friendly
  • Retains data on loss of power
  • Fully programmable from front panel 
  • Built-in self diagnosis 
  • Fan control logic 
  • Software “Voting Logic” output
  • Optional RS485 Modbus® digital interface
  • Optional data and event logging

The controller has twelve 4-20mA inputs, two 4-20mA outputs and four relay outputs for common Warn, Alarm, High Alarm and Fault conditions. Three push buttons, four LEDs and a sounder provide status and control functions.