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Raptor Rail System by Sayfa

Sayfa's Raptor Rigid Rail System for abseiling and overhead work areas.The Raptor rigid rail system by Sayfa provides an uninteruppted smooth operation system for multiple users above an elevated work zone. 

The robust sealed bearing trolley provides effortless mobility for the operator. With lateral stabilising bearings, the trolley will function normally when angled or side loaded providing unlimited flexibility for positioning the rail to best suit the application and safety of the operator.

  • Can be used in both rope access and fall arrest applications
  • Able to support up to 4 persons
  • Up to 6 metre span between structural supports
  • Complete freedom of movemnet
  • Minimal rail deflection reduces the fall distance and injury to the operator


Sayfa Raptor Applications:

  •  elevated & overhead work zones
  • abseil systems ie: accessing building facades, canopies, windows for maintenance and cleaning

The system is made up of a variety of elements

    contact us   for more information about the range of Sayfa Roof Safety Systems