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Blackline Safety launched the Close Contact Tracing report for the G7 wearable devices & their Loner Mobile smartphone app to help monitor employees' contacts.

What is Blackline Safety's Contact Tracing Report?

Blackline Safety adds industrial contact tracing capability to its intrinsically safe cloud-connected wearable devices

On 27th April 2020, Blackline Safety launched its new Close Contact Report that supports users of the G7 safety wearable devices during work hours by mapping the close interactions between employees.

The Loner Mobile smartphone app has been updated to include tracing coverage for after-hours and off the worksite to provide coverage for businesses and their personnel.  

Blackline coincided with the launch of their new contact tracing tool with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. “The COVID-19 outbreak only amplifies the need for connected safety technology at work, as organisations deemed essential have been forced to respond quickly with additional methods to ensure their workers remain safe. Our new contact tracing tools will help businesses proactively monitor their social distancing performance and, should an employee contract COVID-19 or present with symptoms, this report will help them identify points of close employee contact inside their organisation.”  (Sean Stinson. VP of Sales and Product Management for Blackline Safety)

Close Contact Report

The two new tools are available at no extra cost to the end user, They are:

  • Blackline Live History View
  • Blackline Analytics Close Contact Report

A combination of Blackline’s connected safety wearables, smartphone app, location technology, cloud-hosted software and data analytics reporting helps protect more than 60,000 people worldwide throughout industries such as: utilities, oil & gas, manufacturing, security, healthcare, government, construction & engineering, natural resources, pharmaceutical & biotech, and transportation.


Blackline’s Close Contact report and other contact tracing tools comply with the strictest privacy regulations including the EU’s GDPR and allow businesses to respect the privacy of the employees while keeping them safe. The Close Contact report is not available to a third party unless explicitly given access. Information is only available to authorised administrators.

Aegis Sales & Service - Lone Worker Employee Privacy by Blackline Safety

Download PDF

Click on the links below to download more information about Blackline Safety's wearable Lone Worker devices with Close Contact Reporting for your employee's safety in the workplace.


 DOWNLOAD  Contact Tracing Guide

 DOWNLOAD  the Guide to Enhancing Safety During a Global Pandemic