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BGH600DWT Hydraulic Dead-Weight Tester

BGH600DWT Hydraulic Dead Weight Tester from Budenberg in AustraliaSingle Range 1 to 40 Bar Dead Weight Tester

All weights for the Budenberg BGH600DWT are top loading for ease of use and weight sets are fully interchangeable. This means that weight sets in alternative pressure units are readily available.

The base features a single area screwpress which allows low pressure priming and high pressure control. This budenberg dead weight tester has a robust design, that has been proven over many years of usage. The unit has a 1/16in2 fully hardened and stabilised tool steel piston.

This unit gives extremely good sensitivity for high accuracy calibration, yet is tough enough for regular use in a workshop environment.

When supplied with the carry case set, this is a fully portable hydraulic deadweight tester.

  • Ranges from 1 to 40 bar / 4000 kPa
  • Supplied with integral pressure generation 



BGH600DWT by Budenberg Features

  • Range: 1 to 40 Bar / 4000 kPa
  • Standard Accuracy: To 0.015%
  • Class ‘A’ Accuracy: To 0.008%
  • Accessories: Liquid/liquid seals, two gauge stands, carry cases etc
  • Piston/Cylinder unit: Fully hardened and stabilised tool steel piston
  • Weights: Austenitic stainless steel
  • Tool Roll: Containing all necessary items for immediate start-up


The Budenberg is suitable for the following applications / industries

Oil & Gas Dead Weight Tester Budenberg Australia

Oil & Gas

Petrochemical  Dead Weight Testers Budenberg Australia




BGH600 Hydraulic Dead-Weight Tester Specification Sheet Download

For more information on the BGH600 Dead Weight Tester


For more information on optional accessories