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Rescue Kits

A Rescue Kit consists of equipment that can be used to safely rescue suspended causalities from fall arrest situations.

Casualties can either be raised or lowered to the nearest point of safety, with casualties initially raised to release their original attachment preventing the need for cutting. The kit comes complete with an anchor sling capable of attaching to a wide range of structures and all terminations are sewn for security.       

The Gotcha™ Original is the most commonly used rescue kit and was the first preassembled remote rescue kit. It has been designed for rescuing a suspended casualty from fall arrest lanyards, rope safety lines, and fall arrest blocks, all possible from a point of safety.

The idea of the Gotcha™ is to provide a rescue kit that will enable a rescuer to:

  • Attach a casualty who is suspended by a fall arrest lanyard
  • Raise casualty in order to release their current attachment
  • Raise or lower the casualty to a point of safety

Rescue kits can be used for rescue in any one of the following rescue situations:

  • confined space access and retrieval
  • evacuation and rescue from heights
  • industrial climbing applications
  • suspended work positions ie: poles/towers/masts


We also offer height safety inspectionsonsite by the arrangement or in our workshop according to manufacturers' requirements and Australian Standard AS1891.4. 

Gotcha Rescue Kits Standard Contains:
– Upper and lower pulleys 
– Gotcha™ Frog 
– Attachment pole 
– Rope controller 
– AUS Standards rescue rope 
– Rope Grabba (for inertia reels) 
– Attachment sling 
– Karabiners 
– Backpack gear bag

Gotcha Rescue Kit for Rescue applications

Gotcha Rescue Kits

Rope Recovery Contains:
1 x 45m of Rope
1 x 560 rescue chest harness
1 x 201EPG body belt with a rope grip
2 x 501 Karabiners
1 x Webbing Tie off Adaptor
1 x Storage Pack

Rescue Master Complete Kit RM 45MT by Miller



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Learn more on how to use the Spanset Gotcha Kit in a rescue situation