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Loner Safety Product Definitions


Our Glossary of Terms for Blackline Safety Remote Worker producst are a guide to better help you understand terminology used for the Loner Safety products.

Alert Banner

The alert banner shows any active red alerts in your account. It is visible on every page in the Blackline Live portal, along the top navigation bar, only when there is an active alert.

Alert Profile

Alert profiles contain settings related to how monitoring personnel should react when a device reports an alert situation. Multiple devices can be added to the same profile, so monitoring personnel reacts to multiple alert situations in the same way. Multiple alert profiles can be created within the same account, allowing different user groups to have different settings. However, each device can only have a single alert profile.

ANT Field Strength Meter (FSM)

Gives real-time feedback of the signal strength of Location Beacon, and is only used for Location Beacon system setups.

Blackline Live

Blackline’s online monitoring portal. This is where you will find your main dashboard and make changes to your account details, device configurations and alert settings.

Blackline Safety Network

The Blackline Safety network is made up of many components communicating with one another. These components include cellular networks, satellite networks, the Blackline Live portal and your device.

Bump Test

A safe practice where G7’s alarm indicators and gas sensors are tested by applying a known concentration and amount of gas to confirm the sensors will trigger an alarm in the event of gas exposure. CSA LEL performance standards dictate that you bump test before each day’s use; however, Blackline recommends you do not exceed 30 days without a bump test.


A periodic calibration where a known concentration of gas is applied for a set amount of time. This procedure ensures the gas sensor can accurately detect gas levels through its operating life. Calibration schedules depend on your company’s safety policy; however, Blackline recommends not exceeding 180 days without a calibration.


A feature designed to confirm that you are OK. After your check-in timer is up, your device will go into yellow pending alarm. If you do not cancel the alarm within your configured time period, a red alert will be generated and monitoring personnel will be notified.

Configuration Profile

Configuration profiles contain settings related to how a device functions in the field. Multiple devices can be added to the same profile, so that all of the devices function in the same way. Multiple configuration profiles can be created within the same account, allowing different user groups and devices to have different settings. However, each device can only have a single configuration profile.

Early Check-in (Pre-Check In)

If configured, you can check-in before the yellow pending alarm sounds by pushing on the latch for three seconds. This will reset your check-in timer before the yellow pending alarm sounds. 

Fall Detection

Your device has the ability to automatically detect if you’ve fallen. In the event of a fall, a yellow pending alarm will sound and will escalate into a red alert if not cancelled within your configured time period.

Floor Plan

A pictoral diagram showing an overhead view of a building’s layout including rooms, hallways and doors. Floor plans can be imported into Blackline Live and can increase accuracy of worker’s location while indoors, which in turn can reduce response time from emergency responders.

Gas Out Exhaust

Transfers calibration gas from G7 Dock to a safe exhaust location.


An acronym for Global Positioning System. GPS is a radio navigation system which uses satellite triangulation to derive a positioning location.


An acronym for Groupe Spécial Mobile or Global System for Mobile communication. GSM is the digital cellular network used by mobile phones to communicate. Some Blackline devices use this network to communicate and to triangulate approximate locations when GPS is not available.

History View

Located on the main map page in Blackline Live, history view can be used to search for past events, retrace a device’s steps, and view locations of a particular user or device.

Info Box

Selecting a specific map pin in Blackline Live will open its info box in the right sidebar, which contains details about that device and its location. Different map pins will contain different types of information.

Info Bubble

Appears when a map pin is selected or hovered over with a mouse curser in Blackline Live. It displays the device name, beacon (if available), and company (if available).


The supply location for gas on G7 dock.

Intrinsically Safe (IS)

A designation required by electronic devices which limits the energy available for ignition of areas with dangerous concentrations of flammable gases or dust. Intrinsically safe devices are often required for petrochemical refineries and mines.

Latitude and Longitude

A geographic coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers. The coordinates are chosen such that one of the numbers represents vertical position, and the other represents the horizontal position. For example: 51.038117, -114.033912.

Live View

Located on the dashboard map in Blackline Live, live view shows the most recent location of all online users or devices within an account.


The blue light indicating that monitoring personnel have acknowledged your red alert. This means that they are following your company’s response protocol and help is on the way.

Map Pin

Small graphic icons located on the Blackline Live map that designate a location. Map pins have different colors depending on what they represent. A red map pin means your device is in alert, a blue map pin means your device is online and a grey map pin means your device is offline.


Your device has the ability to automatically detect if you are motionless for a set period of time. In the event of a no-motion, a yellow pending alarm will sound and will escalate into a red alert if not cancelled within your configured time period.


The action of notifying someone about the status of a device.

Over Limit (OL)

An alert telling you that G7’s gas sensor detects an excessive amount of gas and can no longer give you an accurate reading.

Purge Inlet

Supplies clean air to remove residual gas from G7 Dock.

Push notification

Alert information, specially formatted and sent from the Blackline system to a third party monitoring company.

Quad Cartridge

G7 cartridge supporting your choice of two to four gas sensors. In addition to connected gas detection and safety monitoring, quad-gas cartridges also supports two-way voice calling (G7c only), text messaging, fall detection, no-motion detection, SOS alert and check-in.

Quick Connects

The connection between G7 Dock’s gas inlets and the cylinder’s tubing.

Red alert

An alert sent to Blackline Live and safety monitoring personnel. This could be due to a fall detected, no-motion, missed check-in, SOS alert, high gas alert, STEL, TWA or OL. These alerts can be silenced, but not cancelled.

Response Protocol

These are the steps that monitoring personnel will follow if you are in an emergency situation.

Safety Operations Center (SOC)

Blackline’s in-house monitoring center, operated by certified and professionally-trained monitoring agents. Blackline’s SOC utilizes the Blackline Live portal in order to monitor an organization’s employees and carry out documented response protocols in the case of an alert.

Silent SOS Alert

If configured, a silent SOS alert can be triggered by pushing the latch button for three seconds. This will generate a red alert in Blackline Live without notifying anyone around you.

Single Cartridge

G7 cartridge that supports your choice of one gas sensor. In addition to connected gas detection and safety monitoring, single-gas cartridges also supports two-way voice calling (G7c only), text messaging, fall detection, no-motion detection, SOS alert and check-in.

Site Plan

Unlike floor plans which are an overhead view of a single building, site plans are comprised of the overhead view of several different buildings in one area. Site plans can be imported into Blackline Live and can increase accuracy of worker’s location while indoors, which in turn can reduce response time from emergency responders.

SOS Alert

A manual alert to call for help by pulling the latch.

Standard Cartridge

G7 cartridge with no gas detection. G7 with standard cartridge functions as a connected personal safety and lone worker monitoring device, supporting: text messaging, fall detection, no-motion detection, SOS alert, check-in and voice calls.


Short term exposure limit. This is the limit of gas concentration that you can be continuously exposed to for a 15-minute time frame without suffering adverse health effects.


The green SureSafe light indicates if your device is connected to the Blackline Safety Network. A flashing SureSafe light means your device is not connected to the network, while a solid SureSafe light means your device is connected to the network and your safety is being monitored.

TeamAlert Muster

An alarm sent from G7 Bridge to call all connected devices back to the bridge.

Transmit Power Level

Transmit power level affects the range of Location Beacon’s signals. The lowest level (level 2) provides about 15 to 30 feet of coverage and is the default setting beacon is shipped with.


Time weighted average. This is the average allowable amount of gas exposure during an eight-hour period.

Under Limit

An alert telling you that G7’s gas sensor’s baseline has shifted and become unreliable. A calibration is required.

Unit ID

An individual code for each device, located on the back product sticker.

Yellow Pending Alarm

An alarm between you and your device. Your device is asking you to confirm if you are OK, after it detected a potential fall, potential no-motion or check-in. Yellow pending alarms can escalate into red alerts if not cancelled within the configured time period.

Yellow Warning Alarm

An alarm between you and your device. Your device has a message for you, which could be: a text message, an incoming speaker phone call, network connection interruption, low battery, low gas alarm, under limit, sensor error, overdue calibration or bump test. Yellow warning alarms never escalate to a red alert.


A calibration where no gas is applied to reset G7’s sensors to the baseline. This is only performed when you know you are in an atmosphere with optimal gas levels but are receiving a gas reading, and cannot perform a calibration.