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Calibration Gas

Instrument Calibration GasCalibration Gas for portable gas detector bump testing and calibrations

Aegis Sales & Service carries a wide range of certified calibration gases for bump (challenge) testing and instrument calibration. Gas mixes are available in single or multi-gas variations. Aegis stocks the standard four gas mix - CO / H2S / LEL / O2 as used by most portable gas detectors in 34L, 58L, and 116L cylinders.

Most specialty gases have limited shelf lives thus they are only available for special orders through our office. Such gases include single and mixed gases in toxic or flammable concentrations.


    contact us   for more about gases available for your application


What is calibration gas?

Calibration gas is a reference gas or a mixture of gases that are usually compressed. The composure of calibration gas exists in one initial gas and is enhanced by one or more components. A calibration gas mix can contain toxic or flammable gases.

Calibration gas is used for the calibration and bump testing of portable gas detectors and fixed gas detection systems. The gas mixture in the calibration gas cylinder has been certified to be prepared gravimetrically, using NIST traceable weights.

Using the right calibration gas for your instrument will ensure your gas monitor is in working order and compliant with manufacturers' recommendations and Australian Standards.

Gas cylinder identification

A gas cylinder can be identified by its label that will contain:

  • lot and cylinder number
  • gas content in nominal value of percent by mass, PPM, or volume
  • expiry date
  • product code
  • UN identification number 

How to dispose of my empty calibration gas cylinder?

You can return your single-use gas cylinder to Aegis Sales & Service to dispose of it responsibly.

Or if you have a green Portagas cylinder you can do it yourself.

Recyclable calibration gas cylinders

Most of our gases are supplied in small, light, and recyclable disposable cylinders. Cylinder sizes - 34 DAL / 58 DAL / 103 DS / 116 DAL.

The Portagas "Strip & Ship" cylinders offer:

  • reduced remediation costs
  • reduced liability for hazmat removal
  • reduced impact on the environment by reusable cylinders
  • easy to return*
  • no shipping fees
  • reduce landfill

Portagas strip and ship Gas Calibration Cylinder



* The “Strip & ship” recycle program by Portagas uses Australia Post’s “Reply Paid” service. Australia Post has limited participation in the strip and ship program within Australia and vented (empty) cylinders formerly of dangerous goods class 2.2 only. To comply with Australia Posts shipping the following must be undertaken:

  • The approved reply paid packaging label must be in colour and clearly visible
  • The cylinder should be vented and empty of any gas mixture
  • The standard Australia Post Dangerous Goods declaration has been used and must be signed. [Australia Post does not classify empty cylinders formerly of class 2.2 as dangerous goods, so it is okay to sign this declaration if the cylinder class was 2.2 and the cylinder has been verified as being empty]
  • There must be ventilation holes in the packaging
  • The cap must be attached to the packing tube with tape
  • There is no need to pack multiple cylinders into a box as the cylinders can be dropped into the nearest mailbox or delivered to the nearest post office