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ISO17025 Accredited NATA Calibration Lab

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd NATA AccreditationAegis Safety Pty Ltd trading as Aegis Sales & Service operates an ISO17025-accredited NATA Calibration Lab.


We are accredited to calibrate:

Temperature measuring equipment:
Digital temperature measuring systems; Temperature loggers - Single and multi-channel

Pressure and vacuum measuring equipment:
Digital pressure gauges; Mechanical pressure gauges; Pressure transducers; and Vacuum gauges.

You can view our NATA scope below or visit NATA's website here


Aegis Sales and Service NATA Calibration Scope 

What does it mean to have NATA accreditation? 

NATA accreditation is a form of recognition by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) that a laboratory or testing facility has met specific standards of performance and quality assurance. The standards are based on international best practices and are designed to ensure that the laboratory or testing facility is capable of producing accurate and reliable results. Accreditation is voluntary and is intended to provide assurance to customers that the laboratory or testing facility is competent and can be trusted to provide reliable results.

Is NATA Calibration the same as normal calibration?

No, NATA calibration is not the same as normal calibration. NATA calibration is a type of calibration that is performed to demonstrate the accuracy of a particular device or instrument. The results of this calibration are then used to certify that the device or instrument is capable of providing reliable and accurate measurements.