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MultiRAE Lite Diffused Portable Gas Detector

MultiRAE Lite Diffused Portable Gas Detector by RAE Systems HoneywellThe MultiRAE Lite diffusion multi-gas detector by Honeywell RAE Systems provides versatile, customisable detection and monitoring of up to six gases. Also available in a pumped model.

With more than 25 sensors to choose from — the broadest selection in its class — it can test for VOCs, combustibles, and a range of toxic threats, as well as monitor sufficient oxygen levels, making it an excellent choice for personal protection and leak detection in a range of industries and applications.

The MultiRAE's opitonal wireless connection sends threat and alarm data in real time to a central command, providing superior awareness for fast incident response.

With replaceable sensors, alarm, and battery, a large screen, and automated bump testing and calibration the MultiRAE Lite is easy to use and maintain. 

Multi gas detector VOC / PID / LEL / H2S / CO / O2 / CO2 / SO2


    contact us   for more information about the MultiRAE Light Diffused

  BUY NOW   from the Gas Detector Shop by Aegis Sales & Service

  • Multi-gas monitor for 1-6 gases
  • Pumped and diffusion models available
  • Man down alarm
  • More than 25 different chemical sensors
  • Fully automatic bump testing and calibration
  • Real-time access to readings at central command
  • Swap out sensors as needed
  • Simple maintenance with replaceable sensors, pump, and battery
  • 5-way local and remote wireless alarm
  • Multi-language capability – up to 18 languages



  • Clandestine Labs
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Emergency Response
  • Environmental Cleanups/Remediation
  • Exploration
  • Fire Overhaul
  • Fracking
  • Hazmat Response
  • Plant Shutdown & Turn-Around
  • Urban Search & Rescue



Size - Diffusion model: 17.5 x 9.7 x 5.6 cm
Weight  - Diffusion model: 760g
Sensors  Over 25 intelligent interchangeable field-replaceable sensors including PID1 for VOCs, electrochemical sensors for toxic gases and oxygen, combustible LEL and NDIR sensors and CO2 NDIR sensors
Battery Options, Runtime, Recharge Time  - Rechargeable Li-ion 12 hr (pumped) / 18 hr (diffusion) runtime, < 6 hr recharge time
- Extended duration Li-ion  18 hr (pumped) / 28 hr (diffusion) runtime, < 9 hr recharge time
- Alkaline adapter with 4 x AA batteries 6 hr (pumped) / 8 hr (diffusion) runtime
Display Monochrome graphical LCD display (128 x 160) with backlighing. Auytomatic screen "flip" feature
Display Readout - Real-time reading of gas concentrations; PID measurement gas and correction factor; Man Down Alarm on/off; visual compliance indicator; battery status; datalogging on/off; wireless on/off and reception quality
- STEL, TWA, peak and minimum values
Keyboard Buttons 3 operation programming keys (Mode, Y/+ and N/-)
Sampling Built-in pump or diffusion
Calibration Automatic with AutoRAE 2 Test and Calibration System3 or manual
Alarms Wireless remote alarm notification; audible (95dB @ 30cm), vibration, visible (flashing bright red LEDs) and on-screen indication of alarm conditions
- Man Down Alarm with pre-alarm and real-time remote wirelss notification2
Data Logging Continuous datalogging (6 months for 5 sensors at 1 minute intervals, 24/7) - user configurable datalogging intervals (from 1 to 3,600 seconds)
Communication & Data Download - Data download and instrument set-up and upgrades on PC via desktop charging and PC comm. cradle, travel charger or AutoRAE 2 Automatic Test and Calibration system3
- Wireless data and alarm status transmission via built-in RF modem (optional)
Wirelss Network ProRAE Guardian REal-Time Wireless Safety System or EchoView Host-based Closed-Loop System
Wireless Range (typical) MultiRAE Lite to RAELink3 [Z1] Mesh modem - 100 metres
MultiRAE Lite to EchoView Host, RAEMesh Reader or RAEPoint - 200 metres
MultiRAE Lite Wi-Fi to Access Point - 100 metres
Operating Temperature -20ºc to +50ºc
Humidity 0% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)
Dust & Water Resistance IP65 (pumped)  IP67 (diffusion) ingress protection rating
Safety Certifications CSA: Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D, T4       Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F, G T85ºc
ATEX: 0575 II 1G Ex ia IIC T4      2G Ex ia d IIC T4 Gb with IR Sensor installed      IM1 Ex ia I Ma
IECEx: Ex  ia IIC T4 Ga     EX ia d IIC T4 Gb with IR Sensor installed     IM1 Ex ia I Ma
IECEx/ANZEx:  Ex ia IIC T4 Ga      Ex ia d IIC T4  Gb  with IR Sensor installed     Ex ia I Ma
EMI/RFI8 EMC directive: 2004/108/EC
Performance Tags LEL CSA C22.2 No. 152, isa-12.13.01
Warranty - Two years on non-consumable components and catalytic LEL, CO H2S and O2 sensors
- One year on all other sensors, pump, battery and other consumable parts
Wireless Frequency ISM license free band. IEEE 802.15.4 Sub 1 GHz     Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g 
Wireless Approvals FCC Part 15, CE R&TTE, Others4
Radio Module Supports RM900A

1 A two-gas combination sensor is required for a 6-gas configuration.
2 Additional equipment and/or software licenses may be required to enable remote wireless monitoring and alarm transmission.
3 AutoRAE 2 supports the MultiRAE Lite pumped version only.
4 PID sensor requires a pumped configuration.
5 NDIR combustible sensors require a pumped configuration in CSA countries.
6 RAE Systems recommends calibrating sensors on installation.
7 Specifications are subject to change.
8 Specification for non-wireless monitors.
9 Supported in MultiRAE Lite Diffusion only.
10 Please contact RAE Systems for specific wireless approvals.



 PID Sensor4  Range Resolution 
 VOC 10.6 eV 0 to 1,000 ppm 1 ppm
 Combustible Sensors Range Resolution
 Catalytic LEL 0 to 100% LEL 1% LEL
 NDIR (0 - 100% LEL Methane) 0 to 100% LEL 1% LEL
 NDIR (0 - 100% Vol. Methane)5 0 to 100% Vol. 0.1% Vol.
 Carbon Dioxide Sensor
Range Resolution
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0 to 50,000 ppm 100 ppm
 Electrochemical Sensors Range  Resolution
 Ammonia (NH3) 0 to 100 ppm  1 ppm
 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 0 to 500 ppm 1 ppm
 Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ext. Range 0 to 2,000 ppm 10 ppm
 Carbon Monoxide (CO), H2-comp. 0 to 500 ppm 10 ppm
 Carbon Monoxide (CO) + Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Combo 0 to 200 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Chlorine (CI2) 0 to 50 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Chlorine Dioxide (CIO2) 0 to 1 ppm 0.03 ppm
 Ethylene Oxide (EtO-A) 0 to 100 ppm 0.5 ppm
 Ethylene Oxide (EtO-B) 0 to 10 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Ethylene Oxide (EtO-C), Ext. Range9 0 to 500 ppm 10 ppm
 Formaldehyde (HICHO) 0 to 10 ppm 10 ppm
 Hydrogen (H2)9 0 to 1,000 ppm 10 ppm
 Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) 0 to 50 ppm 0.5 ppm
 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0 to 100 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Ext. Range9 0 to 1,000 ppm 1 ppm
 Methyl Mercaptan (CH3-SH) 0 to 10 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Nitric Oxide (NO) 0 to 250 ppm 0.5 ppm
 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 0 t0 20 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Oxygen (O2) 0 to 30% Vol. 0.1% Vol.
 Phosphine (PH3) 0 to 20 ppm 0.1 ppm
 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 0 to 20 ppm 0.1 ppm

1 A two-gas combination sensor is required for a 6-gas configuration.
2 Additional equipment and/or software licenses may be required to enable remote wireless monitoring and alarm transmission.
3 AutoRAE 2 supports the MultiRAE Lite pumped version only.
4 PID sensor requires a pumped configuration.
5 NDIR combustible sensors require a pumped configuration in CSA countries.
6 RAE Systems recommends calibrating sensors on installation.
7 Specifications are subject to change.
8 Specification for non-wireless monitors.
9 Supported in MultiRAE Lite Diffusion only.
10 Please contact Aegis Sales & Service for specific wireless approvals.


AutoRAE 2 MultiRAE Calibration Dock by RAE Systems Honeywell

AutoRAE 2 Cradle for pumped MultiRAE gas detectors

The AutoRAE 2 can bump testing and calibrate RAE Systems gas monitors. Versatile and modular, it can be deployed as a single, stand-alone unit to calibrate one instrument at a time, or networked to support up to 10 units at once and calibrate for up to five distinct gases.

MultiRAE Battery Charger by RAE Systems Honeywell

MutliRAE Battery Charger

The external battery charger accessory allows for the MultiRAE battery pack to be charged while it is not connected to the instrument. Up to 5 external battery chargers may be housed on the external charger holding tray.