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Thermocouples / RTD's

Temperature Probes for all applications

Aegis Sales & Service has partnered with leading suppliers of Industrial Thermocouples and RTD's for quality instruments to suit a variety of applications.




Type 1000 Thermocouples

Type 1002  

RTD Temperature Probe - Type1002






Calibration  Diameter  Type No 
 K  6mm  1002-K-060
 J   6mm   1002-J-060 
Thermocouple, complete with large aluminium head. Constructed using mineral insulate cable.   



 Type 1003 

Temperature Probe Type1003 RTD





Calibration  Diameter  Type No 
 K  6mm  1003-K-060
 J   6mm   1003-J-060 
Thermocouple, complete with large aluminium head. Constructed using mineral insulate cable. Type 1003 is the duplex version of type 1002.

Type 2000 Thermocouples

Type 2001
Temperature Probe Type 2001 RTD
Calibration  Diameter  Type No 
 K  3mm  2001-K-030
 K  4.5mm   2001-K-045 
 K  6mm  2001-K-060
 J  3mm  2001-J-030
 J  4.5mm  2001-J-045
 J  6mm  2001-J-060

Type 3000 Thermocouples

Type 3001   
Temperature Probe Type 3001 RTD




Calibration  Diameter  Type No 
 K  3mm  3001-K-030
 K  4.5mm   3001-K-045 
 K  6mm  3001-K-060
 J  3mm  3001-J-030
 J  4.5mm  3001-J-045
 J  6mm  3001-J-060


Type 1000 RTD's


Type 1008

RTD Temperature Probe Type 1008





Stainless Steel Head and Ticlover Blank RTD.


Type 1010 

RTD Temperature Probe  Type 1010 Aegis Sales and Service







Spear Point T Bar RTD


Hand Held Thermometers

TES 1306  

TES1306 Dual Channel Thermometer







TES-1306 K/J Dual Channels Thermometer.


Type HP05 

HP05 RTD Temperature Probe  




Plugs & Jacks

Type 2001   

Handheld Probes for Temperature Monitoring





Available in all calibrations.