HEAD OFFICE 07 38651139  CHINCHILLA 1800 234 477

Aegis Timeline

Established in 1984 with a name change in 1993 check out our timeline for some more history on Aegis Sales & Service


Checkout the Aegis Timeline, from a humble start in 1984 to current we have continued to grow.

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd celebrates 40 years.

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd celebrates 40 years.

1984 ~ 2024

NATA Accreditation - Pressure and Vacuum Measuring Equipment

NATA Accreditation - Pressure and Vacuum Measuring Equipment

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd trading as Aegis Sales & Service added Pressure and vacuum measuring equipment to their NATA Accredited Laboratory.

Accredited number 20700.

ecoBiz Star Partner

ecoBiz Star Partner

Aegis Sales & Service continues to be an ecoBiz Star Partner, an initiative funded by the Queensland Government.

As an ecoBiz Star Partner we have achieved a 10% improvement in our energy, water or waste efficiency.

ecoBiz Star Partner

ecoBiz Star Partner

Aegis Sales & Service are now an ecoBiz Star Partner, an initiative funded by the Queensland Government.

As an ecoBiz Star Partner we have achieved a 10% improvement in our energy, water or waste efficiency.

NATA Accreditation - Digital Temperature Measuring Systems

NATA Accreditation - Digital Temperature Measuring Systems

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd trading as Aegis Sales & Service are now a NATA Accredited Laboratory.

Accredited number 20700 for calibrations of digital temperature measuring systems from -90 ºC to 200 ºC

Silver Master Electrician

Silver Master Electrician

Aegis were acknowledged as a Silver Master Electrician for reaching 10 years of membership.

20 years of Master Builders membership

20 years of Master Builders membership

Aegis have been acknowledged with a Queensland Master Builder Milestone Certificate for 20 years of continuing membership and support of the Association.

Aegis Sales & Service Chinchlla Showroom & Calibration Lab opened.

Aegis Sales & Service Chinchlla Showroom & Calibration Lab opened.

In November 2019 Aegis Safety Pty Ltd opened our showroom and calibration lab in Chinchilla.

Honeywell Distributor of the Year - Portables 2018

Honeywell Distributor of the Year - Portables 2018

Honeywell Distributor of the Year - Portables Aegis Sales & Service finished No 1 in 2018 for HAA Distributor of the Year for Portables.

Procon Instrument Technology

Procon Instrument Technology

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd purchases Procon Instrument Technology further expanding our process instrumentation range of products.

Honeywell Distributor of the Year - Portables

Honeywell Distributor of the Year - Portables

Honeywell Distributor of the Year - Portables Our Managing Director, Scott Colhoun and Office Manager, Kimberley Nunn attended the Honeywell ReImagine 2017 seminar in Thailand and were presented the Distributor of the Year - Portables award for 2017.

Aegis Sales & Service

Aegis Sales & Service

To better reflect the expanded capabilities and product offerings Aegis safety changes it trading name to Aegis Sales & Service.

Continued growth of Techinspect / Aegis Safety Pty Ltd saw us grow out of our premises and a move around the corner to 1/119 Delta Street Geebung.

Continued growth of Techinspect / Aegis Safety Pty Ltd saw us grow out of our premises and a move around the corner to 1/119 Delta Street Geebung.

Continued growth of Techinspect / Aegis Safety Pty Ltd saw us grow out of our premises and a move around the corner to 1/119 Delta Street Geebung.

Techinspect  a Division of Aegis Safety Pty Ltd

Techinspect a Division of Aegis Safety Pty Ltd

To keep costs down and pass on cost savings to our customers, Techinspect Pty Ltd returned to Aegis Safety Pty Ltd's Granite Street Geebung offices and ceased trading as Techinspect Pty Ltd and became a division of Aegis Safety Pty Ltd as it's service division.

Techinspect Pty Ltd

Techinspect Pty Ltd

Techinspect Pty Ltd was created as a service division to Aegis Safety Pty Ltd, and in June 2006 moved its office and workshop to Delta Street Geebung QLD.

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd

Aegis Safety Pty Ltd

Robleen Distributors changes its name to Aegis Safety Pty Ltd.

Robleen Distributors Pty Ltd founded

Robleen Distributors Pty Ltd founded

Robleen Distributors Pty Ltd was founded by Robert & Eileen Colhoun.