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510 Watertight Gauge by Budenberg

510 Watertight Gauge Budenberg Australia

Watertight Pressure Gauge for underground cables

The Budenberg model 510 is a watertight HV cable Gauge that is suitable for when continual operation in remote, severe environments is required where robustness, coupled with repeatability are paramount.

The model 510 has been designed to meet many International and regulatory standards including ESI 50-1, that requires the gauges to be fully immersible under water and are Type Tested to industry standard NGTS 3.5.9 Issue 2*.

The 510 units can be supplied fitted with up to three electrical contacts whose operation can be independently defined and adjusted by use of a removable key. Electrical connections are taken via a three metre PVC insulated and sheathed cable from the side of the case, the wires are colour coded for ease of installation.

* Certification available upon request


  contact us   for pricing and availability of the Budenberg 510 Pressure Gauge.



The Budenberg 510 Pressure Gauge is suitable for the following applications / industries

Power Generation Budenberg Australia

Power Generation
Pressure Gauge


Budenberg 510 Specifications

Size 150mm (6")
Direct / Surface
Case & Bezel Grey Cast Iron, grey polyester powder coated, with black flange
Scale Ranges
0 to 1 Bar up to 0 to 25 Bar
Dual Scale units or custom scales can be provided
Pressure Element
Phosphor Bronze
Pressure Connection
Piercing needle inside rubber ferrule
Overload Units will withstand overload pressure up to 130% FSD. 
Electrical Contacts Available with independent single, double or triple contacts 
Accuracy Class
CL:1 1.0% of FSD as defined in EN837-1. NGTS 3.5.9 Issue 2* Type Tested
Temperature Effect
Variation in indication caused by temperature shall not exceed
+0.04 x (t2 - t1)% of the span where:
t1 is the reference ambient temperature in degrees celsius
t2 is the ambient temperature in degrees celsius
Environmental IP68 as defined in EN 60 529
Certification & Traceability
Individually calibrated with a unique serial number printed on the dial.
Certificate of Conformity traceable to National Standards is supplied
Available Certification: BS EN 10204 3.1B Material Certification
Point to Point Test Certificate
All instruments are individually calibrated and have a unique Serial Number printed on the dial.
Safety All units are manufactured to comply with EN837-1, S3 Specification and other regulatory standards including PED.



Classic 510 Series Dial Specifications

Size 150mm (6")
White Anodised Aluminium with black scales
Option: Dual Scales or special dial markings are available
Black anodised aluminium
Stainless Steel
Acrylic Plastic Window

510 Pressure Gauge Specification Sheet Download

To view all the information on the Budenberg 510 Pressure Gauge you can download the data sheet here