HEAD OFFICE 07 38651139  CHINCHILLA 1800 234 477

Safety Harnesses

Safety Harnesses for working at heights, confined space entry & rescue


Safety Harnesses for working at heights above or below ground, we have the product to suit most applications, whether working with a lanyard, fall arrestor or confined space equipment, we will have a product to suit. Most harnesses are designed for specific uses ie: construction, welding, high visibility, tower work, ewp, electrical etc... 

Available in economy or premium versions. 

We support leading suppliers Spanset, MSA, Miller by Honeywell, 3M Fall Protection, Auslift, Ferno.

We also offer height safety equipment inspectionsonsite, by arrangement or in our workshop according to manufacturers requirements and Australian Standard AS1891.4. 

General Harness
Suitable for:
Fall Arrest
Confined Space Entry
Roof work
Ladder Safety
Mainetance & Construction

1100 ERGO Economical Harness by Spanset

ERGO Safety Harness

1100 ERGO iplus Premium Harness by Spanset

Premium Harness

Tower Harness
Suitable for:
Pole Work
Tower Work
Fall Arrest
Confined Space Entry

1500 ERGO Economical Harness by Spanset

Economy Harness

1107 ERGO iplus Premium Harness by Spanset

Premium Harness

Rope Access Harness
Suitable for:
Rope Access
Pole Work
Tower Work
Roof Work
Fall Arrest
Ladder Safety Systems
Maintenance & Construction

1800 ERGO Economical Harness by Spanset

Economy Harness

1800 ERGO iplus Premium Harness by Spanset

Premium Harness


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Donning a Harness in Australia is different to America. Aegis is working on creating an instructional video on how to don a harness but in the meantime enjoy this instructional video by MSA America.