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KT 120 USB Data Logger

KT-120 Autonomous Data LoggersThe KT 120 USB Data Logger is the perfect solution for monitoring temperature data that can easily be extracted via the onboard software and direct USB connection.

Data Loggers are widely used in agriculture, industry and clinical laboratories to monitor a variety of parameters.

KISTOCK Data logger HVAC range - Temperature/Humidity


  • Direct USB Connection
  • On-board compliance certificate
  • 1 Line LCD screen
  • Integrated software
  • Large storage capacity of 50,000 points
  • Magnetic back for fast & easy mounting
  • Software for configuration and data visualisation (download for free)
  • Software for configuration and data processing available as an option
  • Up to 2 recordable parameters
  • 2 configurable setpoint alarms
  • IP 65 (KT 120) and IP 20 (KH 120) housing


Recorder Functions
The KISTOCK allows to record the values measured instantaneously, it records the values according to a predefined interval. On the other hand, it is possible to operate continuously, the KISTOCK thanks to a loop recording.
3 types of dataset start
The measurement dataset can be launched:
• With a delayed start (with predefined date and time)
• With the software
• With push-button
6 types of dataset stop
You can stop your dataset:
  • According to a date and time (if it was started the same way)
  • According to a recording duration
  • According to a predefined number of recording points
  • If the storage capacity of the memory is full
  • With the “Stop” option of the software
  • By holding the “OK” key for about 5 seconds (if this function has been previously activated by the software)
Freely downloadable software on sauermanngroup.com
KILOG Lite software allows the data download (graphics and points statement) and the data logger configuration.
Configuration and data processing software
KILOG software enables to configure, save and process your data in a very simple way.
  • Software only: ref. KILOG-3-N
KISTOCK can be mounted in different ways, you can also move it or install it very easily. • Magnetic mounting (see photo)
1. Battery cover
2. Magnetic mounting
4. Locking sign of the battery cover
  • 2 CR2032 batteries pack. Ref. P2-50
Note: Only the accessories supplied with the device must be used.
Replacing the Batteries
With 500 days* to 3 years* battery life, KISTOCK devices guarantee long-term measurements. To change the batteries:
  • Unlock the battery cover with a screwdriver or a coin.
  • Put the 2 batteries superimposing them (3 V CR2032 button batteries) with the + pole visible.
  • Put back the batteries cover: the sign of the batteries cover must be placed in front of the opened padlock.
  • Turn right the batteries cover: the sign on the batteries cover must be placed in front of the closed padlock.

*Non-contractual value. Based on 1 measurement every 15 minutes at 25 °C. The correct operation of the device and the storage conditions must be respected. **The battery must be in compliance with the IEC 60086-4 standard.


KIMO KT 120 and KH 120 Data Logger Specifications